Hosting recommendations in detail

Static corporate website

Static websites are not the current state today. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of static corporate websites on the internet and if you as a regional provider have only a few pages with basic info, map and opening times required, this may be sufficient.

The technical requirements are correspondingly low and it comes with quite low rates. For a company website here but mostly recommends no free hosting as this is usually funded by advertising, etc..

Dynamic company website

With content management systems like Joomla, TYPO3, WordPress or self-programmed solutions, you can pretty well and quickly build a simple maintainable company website. Therefore, the requirements are also slightly higher. A database and a scripting language are required and also the other technical requirements are depending on the size of the page. Nevertheless usually sufficient for regional suppliers are from a shared hosting plan. You should look at the exact technical requirements of the used software.


A company blog also has some important conditions. So many blog software solutions rely on certain features of the server software. From SEO and other reasons the .htaccess file should be changeable.

The theme of memory limit depends on very strong used software. WordPress is quite hungry with its many plugins.